1 - All Men's Club Members Thursday scores are to be posted by the handicap chairperson. Either turn your card into the proshop or put it in the scorecard box in the computer room. If you play from the yellow tees, make sure you clearly indicate that on the card.
2 - All scorecards should have first and last legible names on the scorecards. If the names are not legible, the scores will not be posted.
3 - All scorecards are to be added and clearly indicate the final score. Scorekeepers should also indicate any score adjusting.
4 - All Classic and Challenge matches MUST be posted. The cards must be turned in to the scorecard box in the computer room. Be sure to indicate on the card that the score is either a CLASSIC or CHALLENGE match. Also, be sure to post all CLASSIC and CHALLENGE matches as HOME TOURNAMENT scores.
5 - If you don't know how to post a score for match play (Classic and Challenge matches), be sure to contact either the pro or the handicap chairperson. They should be able to explain how to handle "gimmies" and "pick-ups".