Helpful Handicap Hints

While the golf in Minnesota has opened very early, the MGA/USGA handicap system for Minnesota has not yet opened.  All March play in Minnesota is considered "practice" with none of the scores being posted for handicap revision.  The MGA/USGA handicap system for Minnesota does not open until April 1.  All play on and after April 1 and until October 31 is to be posted.  Remember that all Men's Club Thursday, Event, and Tournament scores will be posted by the handicap chair (Pat Murray), and all other scores daily play is to be posted by the player or player designee.  The only tournament scores that do not need to be posted by the handicap chair are your Classic and individual Challenge matches.  All of those matches MUST be posted as "T"ournament scores either by the players or the scorecard can be put into the scorecard box in the computer room and the chair will post.  If you want the chair to post the scores, you MUST identify the scores as Classic or Challenge scores by writing those words CLEARLY across the card.

Remember, all cards must have the players names (no nicknames, please), hole-by-hole scores, and date of play CLEARLY printed on each card.  If a card is not clearly written, those scorecards will not be posted.  ALSO, an "X" on a card indicates a handicap score according to your handicap.  If you skipped a hole, the handicap score is appropriate.  If you do poorly on a hole and have gone over your adjusted score, you are better off putting the adjusted score down than putting an "X".  An adjusted score and a handicap score are not the same score.  Both, however, are determined by your handicap.

If you have ANY questions regarding handicaps, please feel free to contact Pat Murray via email ( or either Tony Simon or Dan Cowan - the handicap committee members.